Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How good are you in remembering?

Based on the way people remember things we can divide them in 4 groups.

1. SoFo – Remembers everything soon and remembers it forever.
2. FoFo – Remembers after forever (long time) and remembers it for forever.
3. SoSo – Remembers soon and forgets soon.
4. FoSo – Remembers after forever and forgets soon.

So what do you think? In which category you fall?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

15 easiest dressing tips for men that will make them you look smarty !!!

Food is according to your choice but clothing is according to other’s choice.

Looking smart or looking fashionable does not demand more money. Its just about right choice. With a clean, fitting, ironed and proper color combination you can look great. The shirt, pants and shoes need not to be branded or expensive ones.

I am not a fashion guru. But there are some common fashion mistakes men do that are pretty evident. I am just pointing those out here.

1. Always wear fitting dress: Doesn’t matter how your physique is, whether you are tall, short, dark, fair, skinny or chubby but whatever you wear should be fitting to you. That wont cost even a penny more or it won’t take more effort. Especially with trousers be very careful. If it doesn’t fit you don’t buy. It’s a waste of money and you will not look attractive.
2. Don’t mix shoes and belt colors in the outfit: It’s a rule of thumb, when you are wearing a black belt wear a black pair of shoes. Similarly a brown belt calls for a brown shoes. Do not wear black belt with brown shoe or vice versa. It’s awful. If you are wearing a designener outfit, color of belt and shoes would change but wear that matches and looks good.
3. Contrasting belt and trouser: Try to use contrast color belt and trousers. A brown belt and brown shoes with black trousers will look more attractive than a black belt and black shoes with black trousers.
4. Don’t put full sleeve button without tucking your shirt: Yes don’t do it. It looks ugly. If you are wearing a full sleeve shirt and you have no intention to tuck it, please do not put the full sleeve button. You can wear the full sleeve shirt folding up to the forearm or biceps, depends on what you are wearing. But in any case if you are not tucking your shirt you don’t put the full sleeve button.
5. Shirt pocket is for showoff: You should know that. It’s not meant for keeping things. Its better not to put anything in the shirt pocket. A pen and any item especially if it’s heavy or bulky, bulging out of the pocket, it looks totally ugly. A piece of paper or a note may be fine. In some cases with a perfect formal dress a matching pen (yes only a matching pen) would look cool but why take a risk. Avoid putting anything in the shirt pocket.
6. No for trouser pockets also: Trouser pockets also follows the same rule as shirt pocket but it’s not as strict as shirt pocket rule. You can put things in trouser pockets but just that make sure its not a bulky purse or a cell phone that bulges out and makes the outfit ugly. Additionally pay attention on how you are arranging things in your trouser pocket. A big cell phone kept horizontally in a front jeans pocket looks uglier than the same phone kept vertically.
7. Calf socks and shorts, a big no no: Man, you will look like a clown. If you are wearing a shorts do not wear the normal mid-calf or crew socks. Wear an ankle socks with a pair of sports shoes.
8. Formal trouser with t-shirt, be careful: You are not going to a golf course, are you? Often it does not look good wearing a t-shirt with formal trousers. Some cases it is fine but the color, design of the t-shirt and the shoes what you are wearing has to be appropriate.
9. Be safe, be black and denim: A black formal trouser and a denim jeans can save you from all the confusion. Black formal trousers and denim jeans matches with most of the shirts and shoes. So always have these pants ready in your wardrobe.
10. Say no to narrow belts in wide belt strap: If you have a pant that has wide belt strap, wear wide belts fitting to the belt strap. Do not wear a narrow belt in the wider strap, it does not look good.
11. Shoes as per dressing: This is the most common mistake men do. Watch out for this when you dress for the next time. Many times people wear perfect matching shirt with trousers but they do not give importance to shoes. Wearing a matching and well groomed pair of shoes is very important. A polished black or brown formal shoes with formal attire and matching casual shoes with casual attire is the most important part of dressing.
12. Light colored pant with dark shirt, careful: Often it is not a right choice wearing a light colored pant with dark colored shirt. Most of the time the color combination do not come out good. If you have to wear a light colored pant check it out with black shirt, most of the time a black shirt comes out good with any light colored pant.
13. Usage of inner t-shirt: If you are wearing a light colored shirt avoid using a dark colored inner t-shirt. Especially with white or off white shirts wear only plain (no writings) white inners. With dark shirts use contrast inners.
14. Just waist: It does not look good/looks oldish when you wear the pant on/above belly button (high waist). A pant should be worn at the hip (low waist) on the waist or just above the waist.
15. Sandal and socks is like oil and vinegar: They never mix and match. When you are wearing a sandal there is no question of socks.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I celebrate my birthday thrice a year.

Oh yes its true that I celebrate my birthday three times a year. It is not an impossible thing for that matter. It’s like people who are born in Feb 29th celebrate their birthday once in 4 years.

August the 22nd - This is my birthday as per English calendar. I was born on August the 22nd. I do hope that all the people who know me should remember August 22nd is my birthday. I like that date very much except as per the zodiac sign the date is a cusp. It’s a cusp of Leo and Virgo. Years ago I was confused whether I were a Leo or a Virgo, but after I read the characteristics of both the zodiac sign, I found out that I resemble more Leo than Virgo. Now I have taken it granted that I am a Leo. We are diverting from the topic, this is the date when all my close friends, my wife and my family members (not all, I will tell you later why) wish me happy birthday. This is the day I really feel like my birthday and I enjoy the most.

May the 22nd - This date is something like a guest who never leaves your home. Let’s see the story behind this. There was a time when I was too young to go to school. The school wanted me to be three months older then what I was. My parents then changed my birthday from August 22nd to May 22nd and I was admitted to school. This might seem strange to non-Indian guys but yeah my Indian brothers and sisters can understand what I am talking about. Matter of this type is exceedingly easy and common in my country. The plan was to change my birth day sometime later. The last chance to change the birth day or to register “the final” birth day was when I was filling my matriculation exam form. Whatever date you fill in the matriculation form that date would come in the matriculation certificate and will remain as your birth date forever. But that plan never worked out. Infact my mother reminded me and my father numerous times, yes numerous times, but we never listened. Then in the matriculation certificate the birth date came printed as May the 22nd. From that day onwards May 22nd officially squeezed in my life. This is the day when all my office colleagues celebrate my birthday. This is the day I receive lots of emails congratulating me. Those emails are from my bank, my credit card company, my insurance company and number of other sources where I would have registered my birthday. So this is the story of my 2nd date, my birth date I mean.

A variable date – Yes. This third birth date is not constant every year. I am not sure how I can make my non-Indian friends understand but I will try my best. There is something called Lunar Calendar. As per that calendar a particular date is not considered for a particular event. Its the season and the particular day as per the moon position is considered for that particular event. Like, I was born in August 22nd, that day was the fifth day (Panchami) of the “Krishna Paksha” (Dark-fortnight) of “Bhadraba” month. So this fifth day (Panchami) of the “Krishna Paksha” of “Bhadraba” month would fall on different dates as per English calendar every year. So my birthday as per lunar calendar falls on assorted dates every year. As per English calendar the date ranges from August first week through September first week. This is the day when my family members wishes me happy birthday. This is the day when my Mother and my Grandma do Puja for me. I love this day. This year I celebrated my birthday on August 10th.

So how was it? Interesting? Are you lucky enough to celebrate 3 birthdays in a year?